As leaves begin to fall outside, make way for new, vibrant growth inside. De-stress and declutter the yogic way.
Imagine an area in your life in which you want to create space (your body, a room in your home, finances, a relationship, anything!).
Join me, Saturday, September 9 and move and breathe your way to a more mindful way of living and being.
In this workshop we will begin to create what that might look and FEEL like through yin-like postures, meditation and breath work and learn more about the Elizabeth Gotham Organizing Way.
I'm not going to go all Marie Kondo on you and make you empty your purse every time you come home (although I admire and respect her and her techniques very much). I like things. I love things! I have too many pairs of jeans and a collection of yoga pants that would get me through a good month without having to do laundry. I have developed almost all of my 1200 wedding pictures and if it were up to me I'd display all of them all over our home. There are so many baskets in my basement that I could open my very own Container Store.
However, I am starting to look at "things" differently. There are very few things I need (especially after all the wedding gifts my husband and I just received!) And I do think I'm wanting less. Sorta? This didn't just happen overnight. This is a practice. And thanks to yoga and finding an organization method that works not only for me, but my husband and our household, I'm simply becoming more aware of our "stuff".
I try to imagine how that new lamp would make me feel every time I walk into my living room? Do the bare walls of our dining room actually bother me or do I just think that since they are empty something must go there? I've also realized that just because there are multiple shelves in my bathroom I don't have to fill them all.
Yes, my clothes are color coordinated (Sam's too!) and everything in our pantry is alphabetized (I don't cook much, so they don't move very often) but this works for us. I can clearly see what I own, which makes me wear different pieces more often. I admit I have too many baskets, but I know what baskets I have and I have the space to store them when they're not in use.
The definition of organize is "arrange into a structured whole; order."No where in it does it say "get rid of everything you own".
Call it organizing, letting go, decluttering, creating space or whatever works for you but let me help you find more joy in not just your things, but your body, your mind and all of life's special moments.