It's Monday. And yesterday was the most GORGEOUS Fall day. Today, not so much and this rainy weather really makes me want to just stay in and cuddle with my dog (more than normal). But I can't. Or at least I can't right at this moment.
My day job consists of sitting at a computer with not a whole lot of activity day in and day out. I have one co-worker (whom I adore) and very rarely do we have office visitors. The phone doesn't even ring that often.
I'm not good at sitting still. So the fact that my 9-5 is spent in a very uncomfortable office chair, every minute spent away from my job is doing just about the polar opposite.
Lately, my neck and jaw have been extremely tense. While teaching I preach about "throwing your shoulders down and back" and "separating upper and lower jaw", which is why I feel like I'm pretty well aware of where/how I hold my own stress and tension. I'm blaming the neck on my chair and the angle of my computer. But why does my jaw hurt? I don't grind my teeth when I sleep, I'm pretty good at letting my tongue go from the roof of my mouth and I thought I carried most of my stress in my hips.
Then one day it dawned on me. . .I wasn't smiling! I sit at my computer and stare. If I'm extra tense (like today), I'll do a little myofascial release; talk to Jess over our cubicles, take a bathroom break as needed and wait for the clock to strike 5:00 PM. It's draining. Literally and figuratively!
I'll admit, I do not jump out of bed every day overly excited to get to work. I also suffer from mild depression but I am a relatively happy person. I have a frickin' awesome life and a lot to smile about. So why aren't I?
Well, when I'm at work, I'm in in autopilot mode. I'm not present.
Did you know you are suppose to chew every piece of food 30 times before swallowing?
The average person checks their cell phone 110 times a day.
80% of our thoughts we've already had and/or will have again tomorrow. Think about it!
And the average woman smiles 62 times a day and the average man only 8.
What?! First of all that's a huge difference. Second of all, all things considering 62 isn't that big of a number, but 8 times a day!? C'mon guys!
Although it's hard to believe at times, there's still a lot of good in this world.
So set a "smile" timer on your phone. Make your desktop/phone background something that makes you happy. Get jokes delivered straight to your inbox. Tune into a funny podcast. Daydream. But take a few minutes (a few times a day) to become fully aware of your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. Be present. Smile. And then smile some more. People will wanna know what you're up to ;)
If you need a little motivation . . . watch this interview with my Grandma 62 times and then some. Your smile can help make a difference in someone's life, beginning with your own.
I'm still working on chewing my food slower however . . .