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What's in your backpack?

Well hello again!

I know it's been quite awhile since you've heard from me. I'm only kind of sorry because I have a really good excuse. For those of you that don't know, I gave birth to the most precious baby girl 4 1/2 months ago and believe it or not she is more fun than organizing!

But because I have rearranged our closets and drawers over and over again and my husband is sick of asking where I moved this or that it's time I start helping all of you again!

Over the weekend, Sam and I watched "Up In the Air" and to steal George Clooney's character's tagline, it motivated me to ask myself, and all of you, "What's In Your Backpack?". With the change of season (it seems we have skipped Fall here in Sioux Falls) always comes a time of evaluation and reflection. From the change of colors outside to our closets transitioning inside, now more than ever do we need to center ourselves and find more balance. Imagine everything you owned packed into a backpack. Every piece of clothing, kitchen gadget, piece of paper, tech accessory, knick knack and so on. Then top it off with your thoughts, and everything you "own" mentally. You think your shoulders are tense now, try putting that thing on. Heavy, right? Not much space left in there. But what if there was a way to organize it all so you could carry it without breaking your back? Good news, there is! By simply becoming aware of what we have, what we want and what we need, we can begin to pack our backpack with those things that are the most important to us. And if everything we keep truly brings us joy then our load becomes a little less heavy.

Set a timer for 20 minutes and create space in one area of your life today. Meditate. Organize. Call an old friend. Exercise. Then journal how you felt when you were done. And if you feel like it, reply to this email and share your thoughts with me. Then do it again tomorrow. And keep going.

Enjoy the process, and remember it is just that. Let me know how I can help you #OmYourHome!



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